Blocky character evergrow

A big cosmic adventure

Out now for iOS

Watch the trailer

  • evergrow game - Happy Chromaroid Screenshot
  • evergrowgame - Explosions and Mines Screenshot
  • evergrowgame - Black Hole Gameplay Screenshot
  • evergrow game - Chromaroid getting Coins Screenshot
  • evergrow game - Survive Waves Gameplay Screenshot
  • evergrow game - Nebula Evergrow Screenshot

About the game

Evergrow is a visually enticing game set against a colorful universe where players help a block-like lifeform grow to become as big as possible.

The game features fresh physics-based gameplay, fluid multi-touch mechanics, and beautiful lighting and visual effects, all accompanied by an original atmospheric soundtrack.

  • "A combo puzzler + shooter we couldn't stop playing"

  • App Store
    Games that blow our minds

  • App Store
    All-Time Greats

  • "Evergrow is a polished, clever, and surprisingly addictive physics-based puzzle game"

  • "One of the best implementations of the Taptic Engine that I’ve tried in a game"

  • "A rather clever game of physics and survival in space"

  • "Evergrow mashes together a few genres and comes up with something that's actually pretty special"

  • "Fun and unique gameplay"

  • Best iPad games

  • "A polished and challenging puzzler"

  • "Evergrow is an interesting mix of a puzzler and an action game"

  • "Evergrow is a wonderfully cute arcade game that deserves a spot on your iOS device"